Retirement Security Matters: July 29, 2021

Greetings! Welcome to Retirement Security Matters

a forum for retirement readiness innovation by states, supporters, and service providers

Buckle up friends, we got a chex mix bowl of goodies this week:

  • Cerulli Associates’ Anna Fang – on the secret desires of corporate plan sponsors

  • Fresh state stats – funded accounts up 36% year to date

  • Breezy updates on California, Connecticut, Maryland and Wisconsin

  • Grant asks: Retiree Healthcare – another reason to save asap?

  • Hot Sauce tidbits: workers seeing benefits of auto-enrollment, going back to work?, retirement perspectives by generation, worm farming, and Social Security.

  • And some fun PIX. Cuz you deserve it.

    !Read the full newsletter

Lisa A. Massena, CFA

I consult to states, organizations and associations focused on retirement savings innovation that expands access, increases savers, and drives higher levels of savings.

If you build it, will they come?


Best Practices: What’s New in the Private Sector Space