Retirement Security Matters: November 30, 2023
As autumn turns to winter, it’s the perfect time to pause, grab a warm drink, and settle in for fresh insights and updates. This week, we’re exploring Colorado Secure Savings with Young and Railey, sharing state metrics and updates from across the country, diving into the impact of Auto IRAs, and wrapping up with some seasonal fun in our Pix of the Week. Get cozy and enjoy!
Colorado Secure Savings: Off and Running
What’s one year old and has 40,000 new savers? You guessed it – it’s Colorado’s Secure Choice retirement savings program. We caught up with Treasurer Dave Young and Executive Director Hunter Railey to get the latest news from the Rocky Mountain State. Keen observations, innovation, and some sage advice ahead. Read on!
Doing More in Delaware: the Advent of Delaware EARNS
This week, we are delighted to have conversations with Colleen Davis, the State Treasurer of Delaware, and Ted Griffith, the Program Director of Delaware EARNS. This dynamic duo are bringing to life the nation’s next Auto IRA program and the first such retirement security opportunity for the great state of Delaware. We can’t wait to see the unique thinking they bring to the space. Cool news ahead.