Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Security Matters: May 4, 2023

It’s May, we’re enjoying lighter, longer days. We hope you’re enjoying fresh starts and new adventures. With an iced coffee in hand, let’s catch you up on what is going on in the world of retirement security. You won’t want to miss:

  • Insights from Pewster Kim Olson on state Auto IRAS and fact-based advocacy.

  • Frrresshhhh state metrics

  • Key updates from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Viginia – and a host of legislatively active states

  • Hot Sauce and Cool Stuff - from NAST to “Bert” Hoover

  • … and Pix of the week! including the White House, and … brownies

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Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Security Matters: March 9, 2023

Happy International Women’s Day this week to all the extraordinary women who have dedicated their time to retirement security. You are kicking it! Take a moment to recognize someone near you this week.

  • We’re at DCIIA’s spring event series – the Innovation Forum, Retirement Research Summit, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion Awards. Special focus on the DEI Awards.

  • Fresssh numbers from the states

  • Key updates from California, Delaware, Connecticut, Kansas, and Missouri

  • David John and one more nugget on Universal Auto IRA impact

  • Hot Sauce and Cool Stuff

  • … and Pix of the week! a great recc for those coffee lovers around Portland

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Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Security Matters: December 1, 2022

Hurrah December ❄️. We’re energized by the holiday season with its brightest lights, lush decorations and good food and company. In the spirit of savoring the season and enjoying the moment, grab yourself a cuppa and settle in for a great read:

  • Sid Pailla – Double-clicking on Emergency Savings – what we’re learning

  • Fresssh! State Auto IRA metrics

  • Key updates from California, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, and New Mexico

  • *Announcement* and Introductions – to DCIIA

  • The latest and best news you need: Hot Sauce and Cool Stuff

  • Pix of the week – Goodies for our super-scrollers!

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