Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Colorado Secure Savings: Off and Running 

What’s one year old and has 40,000 new savers? You guessed it – it’s Colorado’s Secure Choice retirement savings program. We caught up with Treasurer Dave Young and Executive Director Hunter Railey to get the latest news from the Rocky Mountain State. Keen observations, innovation, and some sage advice ahead. Read on!

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Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Security Matters: March 24, 2023

Friends – Spring is finally here with all the hope and promise of renewal that this season always brings. Is all about warmer temperatures, spring cleaning, skinny cocktails, flowers, Easter eggs and new beginnings.

While we both think about that, here’s what’s on deck in the world of retirement savings innovation:

  • The inimitable Mark Iwry parses SECURE 2.0 - and takes a future focus

  • Numbers from the states

  • Key updates from Maine, Massachusetts, and Puerto Rico

  • Hot Sauce and Cool Stuff

  • … and Pix of the week!

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Lisa A. Massena, CFA Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Parsing SECURE 2.0: Good News/Bad News and Future Focus

This week we have the pleasure of chatting with Mark Iwry. Mark’s bio runs long and deep. He served as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury from 2009 to January 2017, and served concurrently as the Treasury Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Retirement and Health Policy. His portfolio included pensions/retirement (DB and DC/401(k) plans, IRAs, etc.) and national savings policy; related tax policy and other tax and legal aspects; legislative and regulatory implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and other health policy; other employee benefits and compensation, and related legislative, policymaking, and rulemaking/regulatory responsibilities.

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