Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Security Matters: July 1, 2021

It's the 4th of July 🎆 here in the US and a snappy week around the office. We got good stuff for you, read now or read on holiday!

  • The inimitable Joel Metlen Gets Creative with Stakeholder Engagement

  • Fresh state stats – get a good look, California’s about to blow these numbers away, we suspect

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Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Security Matters: December 17, 2020

We got you all set this week:

First of all, Happy 7th day of Hanukkah, Happy Advent and Merry Christmas, ⛄ Happy Winter and, welcome a new holiday in 2021: Happy Vaccination Day.

Michael Davis Talks Truth! About Retirement Security and More

States stats and updates – New Mexico, Virginia, Colorado, California, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Connecticut!

Grant’s Best Practices – Resources Galore for winter reading

Hot Sauce! Fresh new stuff, what we’re reading, and a TRUE STORY

And finally, some delightful and refreshing Pix.

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Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Micro and Macro

Retirement Security - Thinking Big While Minding the Details - We talk with Michael Davis, Head of Defined Contribution Plan Specialists at T. Rowe Price about - maybe - the most important issues on the planet: financial wellness and security, race and financial services, ESG, and family.

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