Lisa A. Massena, CFA Lisa A. Massena, CFA

4 Rules: Wharton’s Professor Keith Weigelt on Investing in the Neighborhoods

Good friends introduce you to good people. This week, we chat with Professor Keith Weigelt, thanks to an introduction from DCIIA’s Dominika Turkcan. Sometimes when you’re walking to work, you see something you can do something about. In this case, it involves money – and intergenerational wealth. Not all of us would start a financial empowerment program if we saw racial wealth inequality, but one man did. Here’s how it’s going.

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Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA Newsletter Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Retirement Security Matters: March 24, 2023

Friends – Spring is finally here with all the hope and promise of renewal that this season always brings. Is all about warmer temperatures, spring cleaning, skinny cocktails, flowers, Easter eggs and new beginnings.

While we both think about that, here’s what’s on deck in the world of retirement savings innovation:

  • The inimitable Mark Iwry parses SECURE 2.0 - and takes a future focus

  • Numbers from the states

  • Key updates from Maine, Massachusetts, and Puerto Rico

  • Hot Sauce and Cool Stuff

  • … and Pix of the week!

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Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA

But Does It Actually Work?

It’s now been over three years since the first workers started saving through state-sponsored retirement plans, and because states took an open approach and provided access for researchers to do their important work, we’ve seen a steady stream of extremely interesting findings and reports come out to help answer some of the biggest questions in the retirement policy world.

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