Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA

The Watered-Down Deal

Many of us have found that our retirement savings options offer less rich benefits than options that might have been available to those who came before us. While we work on the retirement savings solutions of the future, it’s important to recognize and own up to the challenges current savers face to meet their retirement savings needs, especially when doing things like reminding folks of the importance of saving.

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Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Yah Mon! Jamaica Innovates in Retirement Security

Sanya Goffe is a Partner in the law firm Hart Muirhead Fatta and head of the Pensions Industry Association of Jamaica focused on retirement savings innovation and family retirement security. We met Sanya during her Eisenhower Fellowship – what caught us immediately was the freshness of her thinking. Some of you know what we mean. And we had to hear a bit more about this fresh thinking in Jamaica.

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Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA Thought Leadership Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Fat City – or Not Quite Ready?

Let’s face it – “Lifetime Income Disclosures” does not a sexy title make. But the DOL’s new rule is important. We never want the perfect to be the enemy of the good. David Morse, Partner with law firm K&L Gates helps us think through the strengths and weaknesses of what retirement savers will see when they get their first disclosures. Along the way he talks about universal workplace savings, retirement savings “lost and found”, and more ❤. Read on!

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