Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA

What’s Secure 2.0 Got to Do With It: a Hot Take on Automatic Enrollment

If you’re like us, you’re hearing the words “Secure 2.0” bandied about everywhere you go. The Secure 2.0 Act was memorialized into 2023 Appropriations Act (Division T), signed into law as you were picking crumpled wrapping paper off the floor and putting your sparkling into the fridge for New Year’s Eve. We are going to do a short series on some of the provisions, focusing on the ones that impact you, and retirement security, the most. We’ll start with our favorite:

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Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA

Expanding Equitable Retirement: Get to know this new DCIIA-Aspen-Morningstar Initiative

Retirement savings are the second-largest source of household wealth for Americans, with over $10 trillion in assets across the defined contribution (DC) system. Yet we know that this system is inequitable and is not creating security and wealth for everyone. Access to retirement savings is foundational, but 45 million workers lack a workplace retirement savings option

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Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA Best Practices Lisa A. Massena, CFA

The Social Determinants of Health (and well-being)

Public policy tends to hyper focus on specific areas of people’s lives - whether health, economic stability, housing, etc. - as if each aspect of our lives exists in a vacuum separate from everything else. People need a lot of different needs met all at the same time in order for them to succeed and thrive. Public policy is starting to recognize the importance of those interdependencies and how they collectively contribute to people’s well-being, and that creates new opportunities for partnership and collaboration across public and private sectors.

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