Grant’s Go-To’s: The Cost of Health Care – Another Reason to Save
Even though many costs decline in the retirement years, health care costs increase. As people get older, they visit their doctors more frequently and use more prescription drugs. In addition, healthcare costs tend to outpace inflation. Retiree medical costs are a significant expense, and yet another reason why creating opportunities to encourage workers to save for their retirement years throughout their careers is so important.
Retirement Security Matters: July 15, 2021
Are you enjoying summer as much as we are? Grab something cold and top up your personal knowledge bank:
Courtney Eccles of Illinois brings us up to speed on Illinois Secure Choice
Fresh metrics from the states – any bets on the number of funded accounts?
Illustrious Illinois: Three Years In, Expanding Access
Courtney Eccles is a self-described “policy person”. Now, in her role as Director of the Illinois Secure Choice program Courtney’s had a chance to observe some great policies in action, and with the backing of her Board and Treasurer to refine and improve. Courtney brings a breath of fresh air to every conversation, and we’re pleased to talk with her here about all things Retirement Security.