Retirement Security Matters: August 11, 2022
Greetings! Welcome to Retirement Security Matters
a forum for retirement readiness innovation by states, supporters, and service providers
It is the dog days of August. Just for you, at the end of this edition, we’re going on a road trip together. And for now, snag yourself something icy and a comfortable chair, possibly in front of a fan. It’s time to catch up on the world of retirement savings innovation:
Is retirement savings the ultimate ledger for personal financial wellness? This and four more hot topics from Aspen’s Ida Rademacher and Karen Andres
We are BLOWING UP the state metrics this edition, check it out
Updates from California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New Jersey
Anchors Away! Duke’s Perry Wright on these, and defaults
Hot Sauce! Cool stuff just for you
Whew! Pix of the week, possibly from your state …